Psalm 33 through David. a Song, a Psalm
1 1 Rejoice in the- LORD, ye righteous.
Praise from upright is beauteous.
2 Upon the harp His praises sing.
Sing psalms to Him upon ten strings.
3 Sing Him a new- song with your voice.
Play skillfully with a loud noise.
4 For upright are- all the LORD's words.
In faithfulness are all His works.
2 5 Righteousness and- judgment loves He.
The earth is full of His mercy.
6 By the LORD's word, heaven made He,
and by His breath stars came to be.
7 He gathers wa-ters in a heap,
in storehouses lays up the deep.
8 Let all of the- earth fear the Lord.
In awe of Him, stand all ye world,
3 9 because He spoke and so it was.
He commanded, and so it stood.
10 He brings nations' counsels to nought;
of none effect makes peoples' thoughts.
11 The LORD's counsel stands forever,
thoughts of His heart forever more.
12 How blessèd is- that nation whose
God is the LORD, and whom He chose
4 to be His own inheritance,
a people for- Him to possess.
13 The LORD looks down from the heavens.
He beholds all the sons of men.
14 From His holy habitation
all those on earth He looks upon.
15 He fashions their- heart together.
All of their works He considers.
5 16 No king is saved by vast armies.
Much strength can't res-cue the mighty.
17 A horse is vain for your safety.
His great strength can't- deliver thee.
18 Behold the LORD's- eye is upon
those who fear Him and hope upon
His mercy, 19 to- preserve their soul,
keep them alive in times evil.
6 20 For the LORD our- soul is waiting.
He is our help, and shield is He
21 for our heart shall- rejoice in Him
for we trust in- His holy name,
22 On us, O LORD, be Thy mercy
according as- we hope in Thee.
According as- we hope in Thee,
on us, O LORD, be Thy mercy.
Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
this way you will go through.
I'll direct you and counsel you.
My eye is upon you.
Matthew 9:29 Then he touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith, be it unto you.
1 Corinthians 3:8 But the planter and the waterer are one; but each shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
Ephesians 3:20 But to him that is able to do far exceedingly above all which we ask or think, according to the power which works in us,
copyright 2013
created 9/28/2013 Steve Miller