Psalm 145 - The Memory of Thy Great Goodness
This is a very sweet psalm containing many of my favorite verses: 1-2, 3, 13b-14, 15-16, 17-18, 19-20.
I titled this psalm from v7 because it seems to be what the whole psalm is about, and DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) ends the psalm with this thought in v21.
This is the last acrostic, or alphabetic psalm. I think the purpose of an acrostic psalm is to make it easier to memorize. As with the other acrostic psalms that I have done (25, 34, 37), for each verse, I have put in the Hebrew letter that starts the verse, and have bolded the word that starts with that letter. For this psalm, I also put in the Hebrew word that begins with the letter starting the verse. This makes it easier for me to memorize.
The DSS has a repeating chorus after every verse, "Blessed be the LORD, and blessed be His name forever and ever."
A striking thing about this psalm is so much use of the Hebrew word kol, meaning "all" or "every". There are 18 kol's in this psalm of 22 verses:
1. In every day bless the Lord v2
2. The Lord is good to all v9
3. Mercy is over all the Lord's works v9
4. All the Lord's works praise Him v10
5. The Lord's kingdom is for all ages v13
6. The Lord's dominion is for all generations v13
7a&b. The Lord is kind in all His works v13b & 17
8. The Lord upholds all the falling v14
9. The Lord raises up all those fallen down v14
10. All eyes wait upon the Lord v15
11. The Lord fills the desire of all living v16
12. The Lord is righteous in all His ways v17
13a. The Lord is near to all who call on Him v18
13b. to all who call on him in truth v18
14. The Lord preserves all that love Him v20
15. The Lord will destroy all the wicked v20
16. All flesh will bless His holy name v21
The psalm begins and ends with eternity, and mentions eternity 6 times:
 forever and ever - v1, v2, v21
 generation to generation - v4, v13
 all ages v13
The usual word translated "forever", lolam by itself, actually means "to the age" and does not necessarily mean eternity. However all the terms used in this psalm unambiguously mean eternity.
The psalm begins and ends with blessing, and mentions blessing 4 times: v1, v2, v10, v21 (DSS adds an additional blessing in v2 to make 5).
Psalm Heading  : MT and LXX say " tehilah (praise) through David". The same word tehilah is used in v21. There are no other psalms with tehila in the heading.
DSS has the heading as "tefilah (prayer) through David". There is a one letter difference between tehilah and tefilah. There are 5 other tefilah psalms: Ps 17, 86, 90, 102 & 142. In these 5 psalms the main characteristic is prayer request, but in this psalm, there is no prayer request, just praise.
Since MT and LXX agree on tehilah, and since this psalm is not at all like any of the tefilah psalms, I think that the DSS is in error here.
v1  - DSS adds LORD before "my God".
v2  - DSS has "Blessed is the day" instead of "in every day", which is in both MT and LXX. In every day we need to bless the Lord. A day that we bless the Lord is a blessed day.
v4  - lit. Generation to generation
v5  - lit. I will speak of the glorious splendor of Thy majesty and of Thy wondrous works.
v6  - lit. And the might of Thy fearsome acts
"They" here and in v7 refers back to generations in v4.
v12  lit. His mighty acts and the glorious splendor of His kingdom.
v13b  - This verse comes from LXX and DSS. This adds the missing letter of the acrostic.
DSS says "God" here instead of "The Lord".
The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible by Abegg, Flint & Ulrich says, "11QPs(a) preserves a verse of this Psalm that is missing in virtually all manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, although it is found in the Septuagint. This verse is so necessary and certain that almost all modern English-language Bibles now include it."
I memorized the psalm and sang it with and without v13b. I enjoy it more with 13b. Without 13b, it seems like a disjoint jump from v13 to vv14-16. v13b connects v13 to vv 14-16. vv14-16 give the details of how God is faithful in His words and kind in all his works.
v14  - This is my favorite verse in the psalm
v15-16  - These 2 verses are good to memorize to thank the Lord for our daily food. Acts 2:46
v18  - DSS has "they call on Him in faith". MT and LXX have "that call on Him in truth".
"I would like to share with you something that I have found helpful regarding prayer. We need to win what I like to call “the battle of the threshold.” I sometimes imagine a very high stone wall and the living God is on the other side of the wall. In this walled garden He is waiting for me to come to Him. ... I think there are many of us who give up praying before we have won the battle of the threshold. The best way to win this in my experience is claiming the promises of Scripture.
I will give you one example.... I’d been invited to lead a mission, both in the University of Sydney and in the University of Melbourne. The Sydney one came first, and I told you how I lost my voice at the end. I was exhausted when that mission was over. Then I had to face a second mission, and I felt like nothing seemed less attractive to me than having to do another mission. I really wanted to take the next flight home. I‘d had enough. Now I know it was partly physical and I should have had a holiday, but it was also a spiritual battle. I wasn’t excited about the gospel, and I felt as if the Lord abandoned me. ...
I knew that I could not begin this mission unless and until I was restored to communion with Him. I was reading a number of passages of Scripture, and God chose to use one particular verse to help me. It is Psalm 145:18, “The LORD is near to all who call on Him. To all who call on Him in truth.” I can tell you that after a time the load was lifted from me and the Lord made Himself known to me again. I went into the mission refreshed and confident, and the Lord blessed." - John Stott, Problems of Christian Leadership
v19  - "saves and hears ..." is lit. "hears their cry and saves them."
v21  - lit. forever and ever
"This for a memorial" is from DSS, not in MT nor LXX
- copyright Steve Miller 10/19/2014
bless Your name fore'er and e'er.
praise Your name fore'er and e'er.
3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to,
He's so greatly to be praised.
His greatness is unsearchable,
though we seek in all our days.
2 4. Generations shall laud Thy works
and Thy mighty acts declare.
5  I'll speak of Thy marvelous works
and Thy glorious splendor ,
6. and they'll tell of Thy fearsome might ,
and Thy great deeds I'll declare.
7 The mem'ry  of Thy great goodness
they shall abundantly pour,
and Thy righteousness they shall sing.
3 8  Gracious  and compassionate,
slow to anger, of great mercy
is the LORD, our advocate.
9  Good  is the LORD unto all, and
o'er all His works is mercy.
10  All Thy works, LORD, they shall praise  Thee,
and Thy saints, they shall bless Thee.
4 11   They shall talk about the glory 
of Thy kingdom and Thy pow'r
His acts and kingdom's splendor.
13  Thy great kingdom  is a kingdom
unto all ages to come;
thy dominion a dominion
unto all generations.
5 13b  Faithful  is the LORD in His words
and in all His works kindly.
14   The LORD upholds all the falling,
raises up all the lowly.
15.   The eyes of all wait upon Thee.
Food in season You're giving.
the desire of all living.
6 17  The LORD's righteous in all His ways
and in all His works kindly.
18  .  The LORD's near to all that call Him,
all that call Him sincerely.
19  The desire  of them that fear Him
He does, saves and hears their cry.
20  The LORD preserves  all that love Him,
but all wicked He'll destroy.
let all flesh His name extol,
bless His holy name forever.
This for a memorial.
Praise to the LORD my mouth shall speak;
let all flesh His name extol,
bless His holy name forever.
This for a memorial.
And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread at home, they took their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, (Act 2:46)
- copyright Steve Miller 10/19/2014