Psalm 37 - Do not be incensed because of evil doers
This is the 3rd acrostic, or alphabetic psalm. This makes the Psalm easy to memorize. I've included the Hebrew letter for each verse and have bolded the word that starts with it. It is worthwhile to memorize this Psalm. This Psalm tells you how to be an overcomer.
The tune is somewhat like the popular Psalm 25 KJV tune, but not quite, so here is an mp3 of my poor voice singing it from memory on the way to work.
Like Psalm 34, this Psalm has no prayer. It is mature observations about a life of trusting the Lord ( v25).
v1. I find it is easier not to be angry at those who did evil to me personally than to those who did evil to a leader whom I follow. It is normal to get angry, but if you continue in that anger, that indicates that you are following a man and not the Lord. An example is Joshua being jealous for Moses when others were prophesying in the Israelite camp ( Num 11:27-29). The same Hebrew word for "envy" is used in both Ps 37:1 and Num 11:29.
v3-5 - Verse 1 tells you 2 things not to do. Verses 3-5 tell us 6 things to do instead of being angry or jealous:
1. Trust in the Lord
2. Do good. This is towards our fellow man. Doing religious things or things to further a work for the Lord is not a substitute for doing good to men. ( Heb 13:16)
3. Stay in the land - stay in the church life in difficult times. This allows the Lord to use the difficult times to prove us.
4. Feed on faith. Put faith in the Lord's word directly. You cannot put faith in spiritual books written by men, unless you understand how what the author wrote is really what the Lord said in the Bible.
5. Delight yourself in the Lord.
The result practicing the 1st 5 verses is that the Lord will give you the requests of your heart.
6. Roll your way upon the Lord.
Then back to the beginning to trust in Him. (ref Prov 16:3)
v6 - The end of verse 5 and v6 tell us the results:
1. God will act. We will cause God to act. Marvelous!
2. He shall bring forth your righteousness as light and your judgment as the noon day. This means you are an overcomer.
v. 7 Two more things to do:
1. Be still in the Lord.
2. Wait for the Lord while suffering.
v8-9 - Verses 7-8 tell us 4 more times in different ways not to be angry. It only leads to evil, and those who do evil will be cut off. Wait on the Lord and you will inherit the earth.
v11 - The Lord quoted this verse in the sermon on the mount ( Matt 5:5). To be meek is the opposite of being angry. It is to give in to others, and let others have their way. The world despises meekness.
v12 If you are plotting against someone, or gnashing your teeth against someone, that proves you are wicked. If you feel you have been wronged, do what it says in vv 3-5. If one who who has wronged you is wicked, it will happen to him as v2, v9 and v13. Your plotting and gnashing will only damage yourself.
v14 - The wicked attack two kinds of people in two ways. The poor and meek, they cause to fall by trying to get them to follow them. These poor and afflicted are not able to follow the wicked for long, but they fall away from together following the Lord with other saints. The upright in the way, who stops the wicked, they try to slay.
v15 - David saw this happen many times. You will see it too, and know that it is of the Lord.
v16-17 - It is better to have the ability to make a living than to depend on riches saved up.
v19 - Evil times are coming. They are already here in Michigan, but it will get much worse. It doesn't say the upright won't suffer, but they won't be ashamed. It doesn't say that they will have much, but they will be satisfied.
v21 - Many of the ones who followed David from the beginning were in debt ( 1 Sam 22:2). David must have trained them to repay their debts. I think that those who did this became mighty men, but those who didn't became wicked and eventually betrayed him. There are exceptions. A person may not be able to repay a debt, and the lender forgives the debt. That is different. But if a person owes a debt, but instead of repaying anything buys unnecessary things, that damages the person's character.
v22 - This give a strong reason to repay our debts and to give to others.
v23-24 - The Lord delights in a man living by faith. Every man will make mistakes in following the Lord, but the Lord only lets him fall so far and upholds him ( Heb 10:35-39).
When I was jailed for giving out gospel tracts, I was offered the choice to plead guilty, pay a $70 fine, and if I behaved for 6 months, it would be removed from my record. Since I was given the price of $6,000 for a lawyer, and I had to keep taking vacation from work to attend court, pleading guilty seemed like the pragmatic thing to do. But I felt that would be shrinking back, and said that I had to do what I thought was right, which meant that I could not plead guilty when I had done nothing wrong or illegal. The Lord provided and upheld me.
v25-26 We can rest that the Lord will take care of our needs and those of our children. Even our children will be a blessing, though they might not be now.
v30-31 This doesn't mean to judge others, but to speak of the coming righteous judgment of God in a normal way, because he fears the Lord (2 Cor 5:10-11) and is restricted by the law of life ( Heb 8:10).
v37 We follow the Lord and trust in Him. We also learn from the example of those who are more mature than us ( Heb 13:7,17) . But we don't follow blindly, and not to overule our conscience or the Lord's word.
Psalm 37 through David
1 Do not be incensed
because of evil-doers.
Neither envy
unrighteous wor-orkers
2. for like the grass,
they will soon be cut down,
and like the herb,
they will wither away.
3 Trust in the LORD,
and do good.
Stay in the land
and feed on faith,
4. and delight yourself
on the LOR-OR-ORD,
and He will give you
the requests of your heart.
5 Roll your way
upon the LORD,
and trust in Him
and He will a-a-act,
6. and He shall bring forth
Your righteousness as light
and your judgment
as the noonday.
7 Be still in the LORD,
and wait enduringly for Him.
Be still in the Lord
And wait enduringly for Him.
Do not be incensed
at him who prospers in his way,
because of the man
who brings wicked devices to pass.
8 Drop anger,
and forsake wrath.
Do not be incensed.
It leads only to e-evil
9. for evildoers
shall be cut off,
but those who wait on the LORD,
they shall inherit the earth,
10 and yet a little while,
and the wicked shall not be,
and you won't find him
though you diligently search,
shall inherit the ear-ear-earth
and delight themselves
in the abundance of peace.
12  The wicked plots
against the just,
and gnashes upon him
with his teeth.
13. The Lord shall laugh
at the wi-icked
for He sees
that his day is coming.
14  The wicked have drawn out
the sword and bent their bow
to cause the poor and afflicted to fall,
to slay the upright in the way.
shall enter their ow-own heart,
and their bows
shall be broken.
16  A little
that the righteous man has
Is better
than the riches of many wicked.
17. for the arms of the wicked
shall be bro-oken,
but the LORD
upholds the righteous.
18  The Lord knows
the days of the upright,
and their inheritance
shall be forev-ever.
19. They shall not be ashamed
in the evil time,
and in the days of famine
they'll be satisfied
20 for the wicked shall perish,
and the enemies of the LORD,
like the glory of pastures,
they shall be consumed.
In smoke
they shall consume away.
In smoke
they shall consume away.
21.  The wicked borrows
and does not repay,
but the righteous is gracious
and gives
22. for those blessed of Him
shall inherit the earth,
and those cursed of Him
shall be cut off.
23  The steps of a mighty man
are ordered from the Lord,
and He delights
in his way.
24. Though he fall,
he shall not utterly be cast down
for the LORD
upholds him by his hand.
25  I have been young,
and now am old,
I have been young,
and now am ol-ol-old,
yet I've never seen
the righteous forsa-aken,
nor his seed
begging for bread.
26. He is ever gracious
and lends
and his seed shall
be a bless-essing.
He is ever gracious
and lends
and his seed shall
be a blessing.
27. Depart from evil
and do good,
and dwell
for evermor-or-ore.
28. For the LORD loves judgment
and forsakes not His saints.
For the LORD loves judgment
and forsakes not His saints.
They are
preserved forever,
but the seed of the wicked
shall be cut o-o-off.
29. The righteous shall
inherit the earth,
and dwell
therein forever.
30.  The mouth of the righteous
speaks wisdom,
and his tongue
talks of ju-udgment .
31. The law of his God
is in his heart.
None of
his steps shall slide.
32.  The wicked
watches the righteous
and seeks
to-o slay-ay him.
33. The Lord will not
leave him in his hand,
nor condemn him
when he is judged.
34 Wait on the Lord,
and keep His way,
and He will exalt you
to inherit the earth.
When the wicked are cut off,
You shall see-ee it.
When the wicked are cut off,
You shall see it.
35 I have seen
The wicked in great power
and spreading out
like a native green tree,
36. and he passed away,
and, lo, he was not,
and I sought him,
but he could not be found.
37 Watch the perfect man,
and see the upright,
for the end of
that man is peace,
38. but the transgressors
shall be destroyed toge-ether.
The end of the wicked
shall be cut-off,
39  but the salvation of the righteous
is of the the LORD.
He is their strength
In time of trou-ou-ble,
40. and the LORD shall help them
and deliver them from the wicked,
and He will save them
because they trust in Him.
Numbers 11:27 And there ran a youth, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.
28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the attendant of Moses, one of his young men, answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid them!
29 But Moses said to him, Enviest thou for my sake? would that all Jehovah's people were prophets, and that Jehovah would put his Spirit upon them!
Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
1 Sam 22:1 And David departed thence, and escaped to the cave of Adullam. And his brethren and all his father's house heard it, and they went down thither to him.
2 And every one in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one of embittered spirit collected round him; and he became a captain over them; and there were with him about four hundred men.
Hebrews 10:35 Do not cast away therefore your boldness, which has great reward.
36 For you have need of endurance in order that, having done the will of God, you may obtain the promise.
37 "For in yet a very little while the Coming One will come and will not delay.
38 But My righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, My soul does not delight in him.''
39 But we are not of those who shrink back to ruin but of them who have faith to the gaining of the soul.
2 Cor 5:10 For we must all be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ , that each one may receive the things done through the body according to what he has practiced, whether good or bad.
11 Knowing therefore the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; yet I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences.
Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant which I will covenant with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will impart My laws into their mind, and on their hearts I will inscribe them; and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to Me.
Hebrews 13:7 Remember the ones leading you, who have spoken to you the word of God; and considering the issue of their manner of life, imitate their faith.
16 But do not forget doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
17 Obey the ones leading you and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who will render an account, that they may do this with joy and not groaning; for this would be unprofitable to you.
Proverbs 16:3 Roll your works to the LORD, and your thoughts shall be established.